Tuesday, April 11, 2006
random thoughts.
-when you walk down the street, couples that you see are usually about the same in the looks department. it's either good-looking with good-looking, average with average, and not-so-average with not-so-average.-SS teachers in our school are generally short and like to wear fitting clothes. other than the exception of one.
-tiger balm has failed to repel mosquitoes from sucking my sweet blood. ( i'm too attractive, i suppose.)
taking public transport to school every morning has its merits. despite the fact that you could probably end up standing for half the bus ride without a seat, and that you probably have to watch the same programme repeatedly, day after day on tvmobile, it's still a wonderful experience.
the people.
there are some people you see every morning, without fail. and sometimes after seeing each other so often, you actually start noticing them and recognising them. if you meet them somewhere else, there's always this look of recognition on their faces.
-the mom who lays a towel on her lap for her daughter to sleep on, and when they are one stop away from their destination, she'll wake her daughter up, fold the towel, put it in her bag and get ready to alight.
-the queensway girl who recently acquired a boyfriend at the start of this year! she used to take the bus alone.
-the scary man who likes to wear t-shirts that has "giorgio armani" in large print on it. he has a piercing stare which never fails to make you feel uncomfortable.
-red bag guy! he's been around a long time. from SJI to CJC. from no hair to hair. from red bag to green bag. from shorts to long pants.
-small SJI boy who's sec three but still looks more primary three to me.
-super tall lady with hair so long and straight sianying would be green with jealousy who alights at the thai embassy.
actually there are many many more to name. but the point is that, i saw one of them yesterday! and it was the A1 groupie! (he was sending his girlfriend home) okay dumb name but when you don't know them by their real names, you give them nicknames. and basically he was just a cool looking guy that took the bus every morning till he graduated i think, last year? and so one day, he was blasting his music really loud and so my sister and i, curious to know what type of music he listened to strained to listen. and it was none other than..."like a rose" by A1! haha. what a total spoiler.
yup. so A1 groupie! HELLO. (:
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