Monday, August 07, 2006
let them dance, let them soar.
alright i'm back after spending uhh, five days of my life talking, thinking, eating globalisation. okay, i'm exaggerating but i have a massive hatred for that topic now. after all, i spent yesterday sitting in front of the computer screen, literally soaking up the radiation just to complete the PT.glad i'm over and done with it now, anyhow.
daddy accidentally deleted my wholeee folder yesterday. which left me rather distraught, seeing that four years worth of memories, art, and work, which i slogged over was gone with a click of the mouse. so, anyone who has the recent photos and any of my precious projects, please send them to me!
oh well, may not be that bad either. can start with a fresh, new, empty folder.

watched the lakehouse today! it was a very very sweet show.
i absolutely adore the house. isn't it pretty? i'll marry any guy that gets me a house like that. hahahaha.
dead tired. i'm getting a little incoherent. just here to let everyone know that fx is still alive. yes, very fortunately. (:
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