Saturday, March 17, 2007


watched The Pursuit of Happyness yesterday. it's a really good show. it's hard to put down how i feel about it, so just go watch it. haha.

chris gardner to son:
"if you have a dream, guard it. don't ever let anybody take it away from you."

went for 203 gathering after that, but left shortly after. to quote suet, "we always carry out our class outings with a certain ditzy-ness to it." well, we did end up sitting in a random corner eating a pomelo. yeah well, same old, same old. (:

check out this site. little people-a tiny street art project.

guy on the drain.

cute, isn't it?

holidays are ending and i am so far from finishing homework. haha. oh well. going to start on work now.

Posted by STINKY @ 10:43 AM