Wednesday, June 27, 2007

inspire me!

faced with an utter lack of inspiration, i typed in "inspiration" in the imagesearch on getty images, just to see how it's represented visually, and got this. yeah. that lightbulb. that's it. i need that.

for all things pertaining to the english essay draft due tomorrow, i am uninspired.

i'm sitting here infront of the computer screen, trying to work up the mood to write an essay. i am not the type who can pick up a pen and the words will just flow out ceaselessly, like i was born to write. i wish. it takes so much more than that, it's hard for me to write without that spark, that sudden brainwave.

now i'm blog hopping, in search of any thread of inspiration. it's interesting to find blogs of people around you, especially those you'd never expect to have one. delving into their thoughts, their mindless ramblings. i think more than anything, i draw inspiration from people.

this was another image i got.
the sight of fortune cookies reminded me of something.
we were joking outside the exam hall yesterday, while waiting to take the econs mid terms. we came up with the idea of putting all our little bits of information and important equations into fortune cookies and bringing it into the exam hall. eventually we all had a pretty hilarious thought that in the process of looking for the correct equation or info needed to answer the questions, we'd just keep furiously breaking them open, creating this nice little mountain of crumbs at the foot of the table.
lightbulb, where art thou!

Posted by STINKY @ 12:28 PM