Thursday, November 08, 2007

to turn around and walk away.

music: the hardest thing by 98 degrees

i must admit, sitting alone in the house at night and reading about murder by the light of the lamp (the ceiling light's spoilt) is kinda freaky. even if it's a murder novel written by nora roberts and thus has its share of heartmelting scenes between hot guy and pretty girl, it's still kinda freaks me out, imagining a murderer lurking within the shadows of the bougainvillea bush outside my window with an ice axe in his hand. (don't ask me why someone would own an ice axe in singapore but the book's set in alaska so forgive me.)

okay. i should stop scaring myself.
and, i should stop reading and start on work.

met yinling last night along with daniel. had dinner at this yummy western place at dover and then headed for some kickass ice cream at holland village. the evening wasn't short of amusing conversation and of course, yinling's occasional loud and random outbursts.

oh yeah, gotta thank john and jag for operation chocolate cake, and yes, the target smiled. hahaha. (:

work! work!

Posted by STINKY @ 8:36 PM