Sunday, January 20, 2008
you're out of your head!
music: better off dead by the fadersi like the faders. listening to them when i run will make me suddenly have the urge to kick someone and shout out loud, OII, YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD! yeah, it's that kind of music.
yinling was sick on thursday when we were supposed to go out so i brought lunch up to her place and we just bummed around in front of the tv on her super comfy couch watching david tutera and drooling over cheesecake. after a trip to the doctor's, we trooped down towards holland village, stopping halfway for a dose of beef lasagne. our search for cheap cheesecake began the moment we stepped into holland village but we ended up having waffles with two scoops of delectable ice cream instead, ahhh, heavenly. it only fuels my desire to open an ice cream parlour even more!
volunteering yesterday was tiring. we met our beneficiaries for the first time, and i cannot deny the feeling of apprehension i felt when upon meeting us, they turned to each other and conversed in malay, a foreign tongue to most of us facilitators, came to an agreement amongst themselves then got on with the introductions. this, amongst other things just tells me that i have a long way to go to finally being able to connect with them on a level that would have us completely comfortable with one another. nevertheless, it was fulfilling knowing that by the end of the session, my buddy had somewhat warmed up a little to me. after that, went over to sianying's place for a shower and a nap before heading home. it's good to be able to pop by her place whenever.
the first quiz of the semester tomorrow! come on, 4.00000000000!
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