Friday, April 11, 2008
hey, dude.
music: all the young dudes by matt the hooplefate has been extremely generous with me this week. first it was seeing jt's name in my sms inbox, a little jingle from the past. then reading joo's name off the caller id yesterday for a very very random chat on...stuff. today came, and while i was waiting for a bus home, i looked up at the second level of the double decker-ed 74, and i saw victor staring down at me. after a succession of smiles, gestures and very lousy lip-reading, i waved him off as the bus drove off. and the sms i got from him later, read:
"Haha hey. Nice stone face. I think I stared at you for like 5 minutes?"
gosh, some things never change.
come to think of it, fate has been kind to me all my life. no matter where i land up, i always manage to make good and dependable friends. of course, there're always those negligible pests, but yeah. most of the time, all's been good for me. which brings me to my point, that i must meet up with everyone after finals.
and like pao said, i've been so spoilt this week cause of all the lifts that i got home in the car, coming home by bus just now felt a tad weird.
haha, that would be a bad habit to develop.
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