Sunday, April 27, 2008

fly me to the planet where dreams do come true.

jazz under the stars tonight. a few glitches here and there but generally, the music was good! (: so glad i managed to catch up with so many people that i haven't seen in agessss! and there were some that i couldn't recognise (i'm bad with faces!) so i do apologise if i came across as rude. didn't mean to, really. well, tonight's entry is mostly photos, memories.

tzungsiang's band!

sean and pao!

shan, my not-so-secret cupboard lover. finally got to give her a hug after soooo long! (: (we were trying to look sexy/contented with the ice cream, but well, you be the judge.)

sy, suet, shan.

photo of the night! we were supposed to look stupid, but ngiam just has the "pissed off about the 30 dollar taxi dollar ride" look, and well, i guess tzungsiang succeeded, going by the looks of it.

girl who took the photo for us: "oh so cute! you guys are standing from tall to short!"
thanks alot. haha.


saw the wreckage of an accident while in the car on the way back. at that moment, my heart just went cold, like something was clenching it tightly. i don't deal with death well, or the mere thought of it. oftentimes we just think everything revolves within our own little world, like it's never going to happen to us, but in truth, compared to the rest of the universe, that's just how small we are.

i was just thinking today that of all people, the ones that are most likely to be hurt are the dreamers, because they tend to fall harder. and alot of people tell me that's why they like to go into things without expectations, because if it ended up a disappointment, it would've been expected anyway.
i hate that thought. somehow, i'd like to think that dreams do come true.
is that too much to ask for?

this was meant to be short entry, but i guess late nights/early mornings put me in my contemplative mood. or maybe it's just today.

Posted by STINKY @ 12:53 AM