Monday, July 07, 2008

and what's the moon? ....a big balloon!

music: turn by travis

got a call from chuxian last night. we talked for sooo long, i think close to an hour? the knowledge that we can still go on talking for so long even after not seeing one another in ages is comforting. he reminded me about how he accidentally tore my sleeve in primary school. hahaha. something which i'd totally forgotten about till he mentioned it. it's crazy, realising that all that happened...7 years ago? i have joined the ranks of those that can actually say, "oh, him/her? we go wayyy back!" with a reminiscing look on their faces.

rather glad i'm more free now, but too much free time seems a little aimless. i need a good book. and i gotta get my driving lessons back on track.

Posted by STINKY @ 11:25 AM