Friday, June 30, 2006
random stuff.
math test is over and done with, so i'm pretty happy. currently suffering from a headache which feels vaguely like thiock released two magnets with like poles facing each other in my brain, and they just keep repelling each other and bouncing off the walls of my miniscule brain.okay, so much for trying to describe the pain i'm feeling in a way that everyone will understand but sorry guys, that's the best i can do.
yeah, on to random stuff that happened in history. mr ganesh was talking about a poster that said "Mao was 70% good and 30% bad."
*kell raises her hand.* "so, how did they do that?...Quizilla?"
went to the washroom today before physics prac and saw a wonderful quote from robert frost stuck on the door of the cubicle. (quite smart i'd say, since most people don't do much whilst trying to, unload, why not take the time to inspire them?) and this is what it said:
"In three words i can sum up everything i have learned about life:
It Goes On."
argentina vs germany at 11pm tonight. deutschland!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
second day of school and i already feel like i've been going to school forever.coming home from german, i stood in the crowded mrt and this guy, stepped on my shoe. my newly washed, sparkling white, canvas shoes.
the worst thing was, he didn't even have the courtesy to apologise. he simply turned, stared at the part of my shoe that he had smudged and turned back to continue talking to his friend.
now, come on, if you're too shy to look at my pretty face and utter a simple "sorry" for dirtying my previously marvellously clean and white shoe, at least have the decency to apologise to my foot for making it hurt oh so badly for the span of, thirty seconds.
grrr. i think i'm just grumpy, because, we're back in school!
Monday, June 26, 2006
mentos and coke!
SIANYING we are supposed to do this!much more entertaining than musical fountain at sentosa.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
miami heat!
NBA champions, miami heat. HAHAHAHA. laughs at the neighbour.
i didn't get to watch the match! i swear, i'm gonna hang my dad upside down till he agrees to re-subscribe to the sports channels.
okay. i was joking. but darn, i wish i had gotten to watch the finals matches.
school is starting really soon. i am distraught. german class today was terrible. i had to haul my lazy ass out of bed at 7am (the alarm clock actually rang at 6.30am) and still ended up late for class. then i had to sit through four solid hours of listening to frau tan drone on in deutsch.
dead tired.
do you know why catwalk models always have this passive look on their faces?
they aren't allowed to smile.
because that would take the main focus off the clothes they're modelling to their faces.
interesting eh. i never knew that.
okay. i was joking. but darn, i wish i had gotten to watch the finals matches.
school is starting really soon. i am distraught. german class today was terrible. i had to haul my lazy ass out of bed at 7am (the alarm clock actually rang at 6.30am) and still ended up late for class. then i had to sit through four solid hours of listening to frau tan drone on in deutsch.
dead tired.
do you know why catwalk models always have this passive look on their faces?
they aren't allowed to smile.
because that would take the main focus off the clothes they're modelling to their faces.
interesting eh. i never knew that.
Monday, June 19, 2006
cultivating national pride and a sense of belonging.
scrap national education and social studies.what singapore needs is to get into the world cup.
just look at england.
all because of the world cup, they got goodness knows how many songs about the world cup and victory got into the UK top 20 countdown. nevermind the fact that the songs have a less than catchy tune, and low standard lyrics, as long as the lyrics said something like "england bring back the world cup!" they got on the charts. even crazy frog's (ugh, all that techno.) version of queen's "we are the champions" made it in.
the way the whole country is rallying together behind the team is quite amazing. just imagine if singapore made it into the world cup! the government might just declare a public holiday for it. that single achievement would make the whole of singapore unite in a way you've never witnessed before.
the closest we ever got to that was when jing junhong was fighting for bronze in the olympics, i think in 2004? and that simple match had practically every household glued to the tv screen for the duration of the match. the next day everyone was talking about it.
imagine the world cup!
everyone decked in red and white and waving a miniature singapore flag.
national day for one whole month!
we could get A-do (HAHA.) to sing a song for singapore's victory in the world cup. like "majulaaaah singapuraaa, world cup win win win!" then again, no. since he has this amazing ability to make everything sound like a funeral march.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
word search.
holidays, boring.sianying's away in thailand, searching for some cute thai guy she can bring back for me. no one's around. rahhh.
because of that, i have resorted to taking out my thick, thick book of word search puzzles. life is wonderful.
on the bright side, i have signed up for the MILK run!went running this morning, to see how out of shape i was.the situation looks bleak. bleargh. i should start making mental preparations to say RIP to my beloved knee of 16 years, and (hopefully) many more to come.
She said I think I'll go to Boston...
I think I'll start a new life,
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name,
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,
I think I'll get a lover and fly em out to Spain...
I think I'll go to Boston,
I think that I'm just tiredI think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset,
I hear it's nice in the summer, some snow would be nice...
Boston... where no one knows my name...
sad song. boston by augustana.
but the idea is rather appealing.
maybe not boston though.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
specially for daddy.
father's day is this sunday!so i shall dedicate this post to my dad.
two incidents.
#1: mosquito plants.
okay, so i don't know the name of the plant, but it's supposed to keep mosquitoes away. (enlighten me please.) daddy brought it back from china, saying that it's cheaper to buy it over there. after proudly planting it into a cute little pot, he realised that it still wasn't very effective in driving the bloodthirsty mosquitoes away.
in order to check whether it was doing its job, daddy brought the plant along on a stroll in the garden. holding it close to him, he walked slowly around the garden.
coming back ten minutes later, itching like hell with bites all over his legs,
he said: "it's no use lah!"
#2: today.
walking out for dinner, we walked past this maid walking the dog.
the poor lady looked more like the dog was walking her, she was trying so hard to restrain the dog from moving too fast.
upon seeing us, she smiled.
daddy, whilst pointing: "the dog, very ugly huh."
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
sneaked out of the house with my sister just now. so we were at clementi buying stationery and we walked past mcdonalds and found to our pleasant surprise that they were screening the world cup matches! woohoo.simply because starhub is being a total ass and making us pay extra to view world cup, i have no access to the world cup this year.
so i was sitting there, watching the replay of the match between italy and ghana (italy won, 2-0), whilst chewing on fries and suddenly, italy was attacking and, and, AND the whole atmosphere in mcdonalds totally changed, everyone suddenly became really quiet, staring at the screen with bated breath, and it was just a split second thing, AND THIS BLOODY JAP KID WALKED OBLIVIOUSLY INFRONT OF ME BLOCKING MY VIEW OF THE TV. $"&*)%*(^"%"(*&%(*"£&%
and all i heard was, "GOAL!!!!" whilst staring at the back of the stupid kid.
at that moment, i just wanted to strangle that guy.
oh well, i settled for the replay of it in the end. sigh.
i am supporting DEUTSCHLAND for this world cup. woohoo.

i think this was taken at the 2002 world cup when they lost in the finals. ahhhh. doesn't it totally tug at your heartstrings!

who cares if critics think this is the weakest team germany has ever sent in history, that's what they said in 2002 and look where they got!
hahaha. i'm nuts, but world cup just gets to you. so many countries come together just for one competition, and you really see them unite. i don't usually like to watch soccer, much less play it, but i just love the world cup for some uncanny reason.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
back from penang!
I'M BACK.sianying has kindly done my template for me, seeing that i will never comprehend html because i maintain that i will be able to live with knowing just the basic of the most basic html. which involves me knowing how to do this, this and this. but since i'm at blogger now, just a click of the mouse can do.
see, i just can't connect with html language.
penang is one of those places that have managed to escape urbanisation not unscathed, but less scarred than other places. my parents say that it's like singapore in the sixties. and the street hawkers! yummy penang laksa and char koay teow.
malaysian kids are oh so adorable. i have to resist the urge to pinch the cheeks of every single one i see.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
If I Were You,holding the world right in my hands.
the first thing i'd do,
is thank the stars above,
for the ones i love,
take a breath and enjoy the view,
live the life that i wanted to.
i love this song.
"if i were you" by hoobastank.
it's raining again. (:
haha. not too late, i hope.