Friday, September 29, 2006

philosophy of art.

and that was sarah seah's artpiece that we were supposed to do for philo class. it's entitled Wan Joo's Mind.

me: "sarah, can you explain your artpiece?"
sarah: "i think it's rather self explanatory. if you really need to know, just look at her!" *points at joo*

geniuses. we're all geniuses. :D

"If only we could choose which memories to keep and which to discard forever. But instead, the mind clings to events that baffle; watching them, like a movie, over and over, but without the power to choose a different path."
-kathleen tessaro

Posted by STINKY @ 7:20 PM - (0) comments

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


it's only words.

options have been interesting.
yinling has planned a gathering at her place this saturday under the stars with sparklers and lanterns! shopping with her on thurs to get the stuff since i'm so darn free in between normal classes and options.

i'm excited! lanterns and sparklers under the stars!


Posted by STINKY @ 10:44 PM - (0) comments

Saturday, September 23, 2006

physics prac.

and this is what wanjoo and i do during physics prac. no offense, mr thio. we just like to, experiment. :D

goodbye miss chay! we had a great time with you!

our class is slowly turning into soccer pros! i think all of us has a natural talent for soccer. :D oh, but i must apologise to priya, who was my live target the other lesson.

during dinner just now:

me: "ma, when i get married i want to have BIGGG and BEAUUUUTIFUL fireworks!"

mommy: "huh, so where do you want to get married? china?"

me: "uhh, no lah. but we can't have fireworks in singapore."

mommy: "okay, then you must marry a very wealthy man and buy five connected bungalows, because we have six in the family, oh wait. not five, i meant, five at least. then knock down the walls in between and have a different theme for each bungalow, okay?"

my mom has bigger dreams for me than i do myself.

Posted by STINKY @ 7:39 PM - (0) comments

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

mooncake reunion without mooncakes.

three am and i'm here, blogging.

was done with work a long time ago but i can't get to sleep. slept too much just now so i'm wide awake. progress of studying for philo is so-so, i don't really want to bother anymore. someone tell me why i'm suddenly mixing up the harm principle and paternalism, two extremely different things.

anyhow, people of 203'04, we are having a mooncake reunion, without the mooncakes! so says everyone i've met who says liuhui says that. well, it is liuhui we're talking about here.

met jasmine today during recess.

jas: "oh! we were talking about you the other day when suet, wanxi, liuhui and i went out!"

me: "yeah? *suspicious look* what about me?"

jas: "about your ______ lor."

-loves all the well endowed ones. <333333333333333 x 1,000,000,000,000,000


Posted by STINKY @ 3:17 AM - (0) comments

Sunday, September 17, 2006

integrate me.

"And I have this fleeting realisation that we might all be equally transparent if only we could see ourselves properly."

from the book i finished reading awhile ago, Innocence by Kathleen Tessaro.

it's been raining alot lately! (: which is one more excuse not to haul my lazy ass out of the house to exercise and get back all that lost fitness. but anyhow, as i always say, i love the rain!

math test on tuesday and oh, it just reminds me of how much i look forward to the day when i do not have a single math assessment to deal with. whoever's up there, please let that day come soon! although i can barely catch even a glimpse of that legendary ray of light that's supposed to indicate the end of the blasted tunnel, but well, optimism is key!

i'm dreaming of dark chocolate now. (:

oh hey guys, if you guys have time, go there and take a look.

Posted by STINKY @ 8:27 PM - (0) comments

Thursday, September 14, 2006

tom and jerry!

thank you. (:

ended normal classes at 9.30am today, but since we can't get out of school till 11am lest people think that we are playing truant, we sat in class and watched WATERBOYS!!! hahaha.

at 11am, mel and i ran out of school to NAFA for the anime exhibition! and oh, it was so rewarding. the exhibition hall was absolutely empty so mel and i ran around squealing and hyperventilating like excited schoolgirls, which, on second thoughts, we are. but it was heaven for us.

then, we were captivated by an artpiece called "Dreams" at Sculpture Square which was part of the Singapore Biennale and from there we were inspired to visit all the venues and so we spent a good part of three hours walking, walking, and walking.

well, it was an afternoon well spent, and we have decided to spend another thursday going to the remaining sites!

and oh, correction to my options, it's Reel Reading and not Narrative Film-making. i'm blur. :D

Posted by STINKY @ 9:16 PM - (0) comments

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


so 410 owned netball carn. again.


#1: i almost died of exhaustion halfway seeing from how unfit training break has made me.
#2: my shirt was soaked with sweat at the end of it all
#3: my knee died (RIP, beloved knee)
#4: i have been experiencing the aftermath of playing 13 games and am waddling around like a duck now because i am aching so bad.

but it was all worth it.
we won, and we did it in style.

options has begun, and my heart goes out to all those who have no options, for they have given up their places for the greater good. my options courses are:
so far, i've sold a keychain at 525% profit and tissues for 9900% profit for entrepreneurship, started planning a short film for film-making, and taken apart a diaper for consumer chem.

by the way, a diaper can take 42 test tubes full of water before saturation. but the brand we used was lousy cause apparently H*****s diapers can take 52. no advertisements.

Posted by STINKY @ 5:15 PM - (0) comments

Sunday, September 10, 2006


may 410 own. (:

Posted by STINKY @ 10:44 PM - (0) comments

Friday, September 08, 2006

peace out, bro!

sis: "can you imagine a world where there is total peace, no wars, no politics and everyone's just nice to each other?"

me: *raises eyebrows and tries to imagine*

a minute later.

sis: "okay, i can't."

haha, neither can i.

Posted by STINKY @ 12:01 AM - (0) comments

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

and if we should falter_

i have a book that is majorly overdue, by more than a week. okay NLB, come kill me. yup, book's Love Rules by Freya North. yeah, the usual chick lit. but this book is rather good, it actually deals with alot more than just the normal, fluff. so at the end of the book one of the guys says something that stuck with me:

"I've come to terms with it. I now believe that the love of one's life may not necessarily be the person one ends up with. And we have to work bloody hard not to make that fact a tragedy."

dreamt of my GPA yesterday, which was quite a frightening experience. one must be wondering what in the world am i doing dreaming of my GPA when it's the holidays, well i don't know either. scary thing was that i actually jumped with joy when i saw a, well, not so good grade there. that's bad, is it not.

i want to be rich!

Posted by STINKY @ 4:39 PM - (0) comments

Sunday, September 03, 2006

into pieces.

it's been awhile since i could just lie on my bed and enjoy a book for one whole day without someone asking me to do my work. so today was absolutely blissful. halfway through Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.

i'm done with options! trying to get all the times right without clashes is a total pain but i finally managed to do it after sitting for ages infront of the screen, though i have to admit that there is much distraction when the tv's on and you're on msn.

went through photos that joo (finally) uploaded.

i love lakshmi! (:

playing ball with the NY batch was a highly amusing experience. watching the guys crap and play Horse, just sitting around talking, even finding out that my stamina had almost gone down to zero since i stopped training didn't seem that bad.

lunch at coronation felt like primary school, we just sat and bitched about hating each other in primary school. haha.

holidays are here.
and i really hope things go okay.

Posted by STINKY @ 10:38 PM - (0) comments

Friday, September 01, 2006


okay, so it's 8.37am in the morning. i'm sitting infront of the computer and blogging.

and guess what? no more exams.

i should be studying now, but, there's no more exams.

ha. ha. ha. ha.

sorry. i'm too happy for my own good. well, it's bad enough when everyone else's exams end on tuesday but yours drag allll the way to thursday.

over and done with deutsch!

#1. oral wasn't very good

#2. i didn't understand what the hell the second comprehension was about, but then again, no one did.

#3. in my letter writing, instead of telling my parents to visit (besuchen) me, i told them to experiment/try (versuchen) me.

but overall, who cares. i'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with german all the way through these four years. it wasn't always a breeze, but the sense of accomplishment upon completing the exam was priceless. much better than any subject we learn in school.

off to play ball with the NY batch soon. am excited!
was at bball bbq in school last night.

jeanting: hey hey hey! i have a joke! what is a golfer's favourite food?

me: oh no. not another one. *covers ears*


all: what.


cel and angel: *laughs very hard*

me and jingli: *stares*

simran: *smiles*


cringes. i love my batch. haha.
okay. i'm off to play ball.

Posted by STINKY @ 8:40 AM - (0) comments