Wednesday, October 31, 2007
nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention.
music: i'm yours by jason mrazi have two tests tomorrow and i haven't started studying.
went to check out the pasar malam at jurong east with joel and ben after class. i love pasar malams! i think it's something that should never be scrapped. the food there is just delicious and ever-changing! i am currently hooked on these little puffs named taco puffs by the vendor and have been going there consecutively for two days. part of the fun is watching them being made. standing there, watching the batter turn into little golden brown puffs. of course, no pasar malam would be complete without the ramly burger, which joel and ben both devoured with glee.
pasar malams are filled with cute and cheap trinkets and occasionally, amongst them you can discover small treasures.
okay, i really should go, start studying.
happy halloween!
it's your godforsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved!
little things that make stinky happy.
music: falling down by vertical horizonfalling asleep to the sound of pouring rain and waking up to it must be one of the greatest pleasures in life (unless you have a hole in your roof). listening to the pitter patter of raindrops sliding down the rooftop and hitting the ground break the steady rhythm of the beating rain whilst snuggled up in the cosy blanket that's wrapped around yourself. combined with a little daydreaming, that's almost magical.
haha. delighting in simple things, the greatest lesson i learnt from having ms. leow as CLET last year.
okay, i'm okay.
music: all the time in the world by boyzoneokay, i'm alright now. i'm past the outburst already.
oh this is one hell of a week and i can't wait till it's overrrr.
come on, week, be over!
hahaha. okay i'm going to get back to work on my definition essay.
if not for the question, i would've defined myself.
today i learnt the lesson that egocentrism is the root of ignorance and we should try not to fall prey to it.
OH. here's something funny that i got off clement's online nickname:
haikus are funny
they hardly make any sense
HAHAHA. okay. i'm off.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
seriously seriously seriously annoyed x100000000000000000000000000000000!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
to you all.
music: i will show you love by kendall paynea few of my friends have been going through rough patches lately, and to you guys, i'd just like you guys to know that i'm always here for you. (:
You have climbed an uphill road,
You have worn a heavy load
You have cried through endless nights and nearly given up the fight
Watched your dreams like falling stars the heartaches made you who you are
things happen, so we just have to stay strong and fight.
to those that i don't get to see everyday, i will catch up with you soon, yeah?
for now, hang in there, because it'll blow over in time to come.
don't lose hope, my darlings. (:
Cause I am on your side though the wind and waves beat against your faith
music: naked as we came by iron and wineso here i am, chewing on hello panda biscuits which mommy bought for me yesterday as pay for typing some stuff for her. goodness knows what the world would do without chocolate hello panda biscuits. it was my lifeline in sec 4, my staple food. i wonder how many smiling pandas i devoured during those crazy work laden days. (i just popped the last one in the packet into my mouth, no more!) apparently hello panda provides you with 2267kJ of energy per 100g, oh, let us all kiss the ground and praise the heavens for inspiring meiji to invent such a wonderful product, for benefitting the whole of humankind.
i am HALFWAY through the ugc paper! *jumps up and does a little dance amongst the mess i have made on the ground* okay, not much of an achievement since it's merely a 1200 word paper, but still, i am proud that i had enough motivation to come thus far. :D though it's probably cause i already spent yesterday watching greys anatomy and private practice already. uh huh.
okay. enough. back to work.
i'm missing my hello panda biscuits already.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
part one: life
emily dickinsonLXXXIX
A WORD is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
Friday, October 26, 2007
every little thing.
music: breathing by lifehousei've been feeling like i've been living in some strange time warp these few days. some things have come to a standstill and yet, at the same time, so many things are happening around me. it's as if i'm stuck wading through a knee-high pool of mud, and everytime i lift my foot off the ground to move forward, a thousand tiny hands are grabbing on to my shoes, resisting the movement, holding me back.
things have just been going up and down, and they are happening so fast i need to stop and catch my breath, and just breathe.
it's time to tie up all these little loose ends dangling down the sides of this little box and move on.
argh, i'm darn tired.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
efei's belated 23rd celebration!
music: mr romantic by dolls marryefei's 23! ahaha. we celebrated it last night at jason's place, albeit a little late, but we had fun!

oooh. tired. training wasn't too taxing, but it's been a long day.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
music: other side of the world by kt tunstalli am bored of attempting to do my ugc assignment. and because boredom is the reason why i'm blogging in the first place, i shall showcase the product of jag's boredom a few weeks back, i think on the night before our econs quiz.
he created south park characters of people.
me, with the green shirt that's supposed to resemble my pig shirt.
and this one, is my ULTIMATE FAVOURITE. haha, guess who.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
wouldn't that save you.
music: save you by matthew perryman jonesi wanna rock and roll
i wanna give my soul
i just heard that song on private practice. save you.
i hate phone calls. seriously seriously seriously hate phone calls. because they are a pain in the ass and i just spent the past half an hour picking up six calls because i am currently home alone and what's worse is that i was trying to take a nap, just snuggling up to my bolster, drifting into dreamworld whenever the strains of the blasted tune the phone played jerked me out of my luxurious afternoon/evening nap.
and oh, my brother just called to get me to lie to the girl with the sweet voice that had just called less than a minute ago. and since confucius says that family comes first and even if your dad had just committed a grave, grave, crime, you must stand by him, i shall help my brother to lie to this girl with a sweet voice. doesn't really matter since i rarely concern myself with his affairs.
i spent the whole of this morning watching private practice and grey's anatomy. and now that i've gotten my fix, i'm marginally happier than i was when i rolled out of bed this morning. i just need to get a peaceful, uninterrupted nap to knock this grouchiness fully out of my system.
something random but related to grey's anatomy:
Dinosaur! says:
ok i appear offline first
later i spoiler you
too bad kell isn't here
STINKY. says:
Dinosaur! says:
usually i scream halfway through the show
to her
and she laughs
STINKY. says:
i love greys. they are all so messed up
okay annoying as the situation is. george is cute when he runs!!
Dinosaur! says:
STINKY. says:
Dinosaur! says:
you are crazyyyyyyy
STINKY. says:
why are you MRS ALEX KAREV
Dinosaur! says:
because weng keong wanted to be MR IZZIE STEVENS
and i was like IZZIE SUCKS
and he said ALEX SUCKS
so there
i mean how can anyone like izzie?!
STINKY. says:
izzie is shit
but you're not mrs alex karev
Dinosaur! says:
i AM too!
STINKY. says:
you are SO NOT.
Dinosaur! says:
i so am!
STINKY. says:
Dinosaur! says:
STINKY. says:
Dinosaur! says:
let's go dance under the street lights. says:
hahahah sorry i am.
staked my claim in season one
STINKY. says:
no way hozay!
stay out of this!
he's mine!
let's go dance under the street lights. says:
dec 05
you can't get earlier than that
STINKY. says:
it's a hoax!
i know it!
you're in cahoots with sianying aren't you
let's go dance under the street lights. says:
there. the epitome of fangirliness. any more snippets and there would be spoilers involved.
i think the beauty of grey's anatomy and private practice is the irony of it all.
the fact that a group of very messed up people save lives of other people everyday and at the end of the day, they find that they have been so busy saving other people that they forgot that they need saving once in awhile as well. and the fact that they can't turn to anyone to save them but each other. the beauty of friendship, love, sorrow.
so, help me decide,
help me to make up,
make up my mind.
wouldn't that save you,
wouldn't that save you,
wouldn't that save you?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
and just forget the world.
music: chasing cars by snow patrolfound this image online yesterday and i really liked it. (:
i've always wondered where the bunches of helium balloons that have been released into the sky go to after they deflate. i mean, they can't float around forever right? they will eventually run out of helium, or burst suddenly due to atmospheric pressure or something. but no matter how many i see floating up, up, up and away, i've never had a deflated/burst balloon fall from somewhere up in the sky, splat right next to me.
and just when that thought was swirling around my head these few days, it happened.
i was walking into the school building when suddenly, as if someone had timed it perfectly, splat. this red deflated heart shaped balloon hit the ground next to me. i stopped for a moment, stared at it, and then walked on.
haha. what a coincidence. someone, somewhere, must've heard me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EFFY!!! YOU'RE 23! (so grow up and stop making fun of me!) :P
i'm glad this week is almost over.
music: boston by augustanaSTINKY. says:
do you know. i just woke up an hour ago and started studying
i am so prepared not to do well tomorrow
nAz says:
optimism is always good
STINKY. says:
naz! i want spaceboots!
nAz says:
for a moment i thought you said spaceboobbs
STINKY. says:
wow, i wonder how big spaceboobs are
how big do you think they are?
nAz says:
quite large
celestial bodies, maybe
STINKY. says:
the size of a planet?
nAz says:
STINKY. says:
imagine having two planets on you!
nAz says:
it would be quite rare
STINKY. says:
nAz says:
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
oh breathe;

send me a pair of spaceboots.
let me zoom through the starry sky,
and weave in and out of the clouds.
let me make friends with all the raindrops
and have them tell me their stories.
sometimes things don't go the way you wish they would, but you deal. because you know that if you don't, it's not going to help, or simply, just make things worse. i guess through all that's happened, you learn. you learn to cherish and appreciate every little thing a little more than you used to. and yeah, i'm still growing, and i may be immature and idealistic at times,
but at least i am aware of how i am! (:
and hey, thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT SPACEBOOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pretty please? :D
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
to my special you.
it's been a beautiful 14 months and more.thank you for everything.
truly, wonderful. (:
Sunday, October 14, 2007
and maybe we don't want to be found.
music: rangers by a fine frenzyi saw this on someone's blog whilst blog-hopping. forgot whose, but whoever you are, i'm crediting you!
"have you ever been in love? horrible isn't it?
it makes you so vulnerable. it opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. you build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid give them a piece of you. they didn't ask for it. they did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't yours anymore. love takes hostages. it gets inside you. it eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like, "maybe we should just be friends" turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. it hurts. not just in the imagination. not just in the mind. it's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. "
i hate love."
-neil gaiman
Saturday, October 13, 2007
oh, for love we become larger than lifesize.
music: lifesize by a fine frenzytoday was a crazy day!
went biking with jag and daniel ( i know i slowed them down majorly but they were nice about it. :)) and we went from bishan park to macritchie, got caught in the rain, took shelter, then continued on through ang mo kio, to serangoon, then ended up eventually around paya lebar.
we played hopscotch (HILARIOUS) and then squeezed into the little playhouse meant for the kindergarten kids and well, fooled around for a little. oh, we climbed into a tiny drain at ang mo kio, but all of us couldn't really move through it though, too small for us. before heading back we played on the swing and the seesaw at the park as well. now, the seesaw episode was really funny.
we all ended up sweaty, stinky and pretty much filthy. good thing we got to shower. haha.
randomness is good. like how we just started having a pillow fight (i forgot how it started), and how we ended up trudging through a wet field with ice cream at night, and having daniel act like a ghost that totally freaked jag out. today was a day for laughing.
i think we all fell of our bikes at least once today! hahahahaha.
i'm aching like mad now. my bum hurts and i've sustained a few bruises and cuts but it's worthwhile for all the fun and craziness of today.
tired. i'm so glad midterms are over. but ahead of us lies such a busy remaining semester. i'm just going to take a break totally these two days then get back to work. this semester is one tiring one, but i will survive!
ah, today was good. felt like a kid, all nice and without worries, just playing and doing stupid things. haha.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
coco pops-turns milk into CHOCOLATE milk!
music: jaded by aerosmithHey j-j-jaded
In all it's misery
It will always be what I love and hated
And maybe take a ride to the other side
We're thinkin' of
We'll slip into the velvet glove
And be jaded
woo. that song always puts the image of a girl in a green dress prancing around a garden in my mind.
something embarassing happened to me today.
i was getting on the bus after history exam, revelling in the newfound freedom (i was just in denial since math is tomorrow and i have not started practicing), and there was a whole bunch of students behind me waiting to get on the bus as well. my mind was totally not functioning nor tuned in to the "what's happening now" frequency, so i stood there like an idiot, tapping my card whilst wondering why the ez-link machine wasn't emitting its usual "beep" sound that indicated it had sensed your card. it took me ten seconds to discover that i had been waving my SIM student id card all along instead of my ez-link card. hastily tapping the correct card, i moved to the back of the bus whilst avoiding the gaze of the people waiting behind me. yeah, sure, might as well have twirled my little lock of blond hair whilst i was at it, just for the full impact of the whole situation.
i managed to prevent history from kicking my ass but i had my share of stupid mistakes. well, at least it's over and done with, i'll just have to see how i do.
there was a question during the exam that asked for the term that was used to refer to socrate's question and answer method. (i had no recollection of ever learning the term used to refer to it, so i guessed.) since it was mcq, i eliminated the first option immediately, since it was definitely wrong, and that left me with two others:
(b) socratic midwifery
(c) aporia
at that point, option (b) planted a very disturbing image in my head. that image was of an old, balding man with longgg white beard and a potbelly dressed in a white greek toga, standing at the foot of the birthing table and assisting a heaving woman in the delivery of her child. disturbing, indeed.
that image prompted me to eliminate option (b) as well, and settle for (c).
but alas, a check online after i got home revealed, that against all odds and disturbing images, the option (b) was the key to the million dollars.
"When Plato writes of Socrates as a midwife, he tells a story about the relationship between teacher and student, about education, and about the birth of spiritual-intellectual fire in the soul."
okay, whatever. another mark to the mistakes.
math, math, math!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
there is a type of anger that leaves you at a complete loss for words. you try to search for something to say in response/retaliation but you just stand there, inhaling and exhaling, blinking in disbelief, unable to digest the facts that have just been presented to you. because in your mind's eye, there is an image that cannot be broken or reconstructed simply because you were too used to the way it has been for a long time.
that's what i'm feeling now. and it doesn't matter that i got the news hours ago, it still, it still unsettles me (for the lack of a better word). unsettled, used here, would be a grave understatement and i don't even think it serves to represent what i'm feeling now.
disgust, perhaps that's more befitting.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
music: everytime we touch by cascada1am in the morning.
feeling strangely annoyed.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
the smile on your face! (:
music: when you say nothing at all by ronan keatingecons was quite a bomb. 60 marks worth of writing. it was serious spam spam spam spam to the point where i got bored of writing. verbal diarrhoea. let's just hope for the best. haha.
seriously. i'm only done with psych and econs and i'm acting as if mid terms are over!
and ahhhh, puzzle fighter!
DISTRACTION x100000000000000000000!!!
not good.
You Are a Dreaming Soul |
![]() Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life. Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul |
went to yinling's blog and saw this so i decided to do it just for fun.
i know it's kinda ironic for me to say this but argh sometimes i REALLY HATE GIRLS. just stop bitching for one day, that's all i'm asking of you. bitching's fun, yes i know, but not everyday, every hour, every chance you get to open that big fat trap of yours. YES, BIG FAT TRAP. STOP STOP STOP. ENOUGH. LISTEN, listen to how nice and tranquil the place is without your voice constantly resonating through it. urgh.
okay i sound so angsty i feel abnormal.
haha. i'm alright now.
i want SATAY.
Monday, October 01, 2007
two-way mirror.
i'm smiling at you, smiling at me.i'm thinking of you, thinking of me.
i'm dreaming of you, dreaming of me.
i'm wishing for you.