Tuesday, March 08, 2011
morning trains.
Took this photo last year when I was travelling in Boston. It was morning and the train station was filled with people making their way to work. I was lugging my heavy backpack and my sleepy self to the Greyhound station to catch the bus to NYC.
Every time I see this shot I feel a sense of tranquility. I think it's something about that moment in time that you have to spend waiting for the train to arrive--it's as if the world grinds to a halt for those few minutes.
See, from the moment you wake up in the morning, you rush around the house, get changed, stuff a quick breakfast into your bag, then you get out of the house and brisk walk to the train station. Everything happens in a blur until you get through the gantries to the platform, and you are forced to wait. You can't rush the wait because you don't control the trains and when they arrive. For those few minutes, you have no choice but to be at peace with the world and move at the same pace as everyone around you. Until, of course, the train arrives and zooms you off to wherever you're headed.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
spin a little tighter/and the world's a little brighter.
Hi, cyber world.I realised today (oh horrors, of horrors!) that lately, this blog has had a severe lack of original material written by yours truly. It's been 80 percent images and videos from other sources and a very generous estimate of 20 percent for my own idle thoughts and ramblings. I am thusly obliged to contribute an entry of decent length to make up for this grave deficit of originality.
So, my life lately has been nothing short of pretty darn good. Of course it's not been absolutely smooth-sailing, but the few bad moments that I've faced are insignificant compared to the multitude of good that has come my way. Been meeting up with people that matter, turning up for important appointments, sharing meaningful moments with certain individuals, and making new memories to look back to.
Yup, I'm happy--not because of some large scale 'omg'-inducing events or out of this world experiences, but because of all the small, wonderful moments I've had that combine into (I borrow from Maroon 5) a simple kind of lovely.
Jealous, much? Ha. Well, your happiness is in your hands. Make it happen.
With love, fx.