Sunday, April 30, 2006
hymn of 410.*
1st day--1 week of e-learning2nd day--2 (math) assignments
3rd day--3 (english) compres
4th day--4 (freaking) PTs
5th day--5 class bookings!
6th day--6 days of working
7th day--7 tests a-failing
8th day--8 chemicars running
9th day--9 months of studying
10th day--10 mangas tempting
11th day--11pm muggings
12th day--12 hours slaving
*sing to the tune of "12 days of christmas"
now, the 10th day line crosses out more than half the class off the list of possible people who wrote the song.
credit goes to kell, elean and qianni for their wonderful reflection of our eyebags. (:
bad day! whoopee.HA LA LA LA LOVE.
stuck on jason mraz, i am.
but frankly. i'm rather sick of all this.
Saturday, April 29, 2006

someone give me an extra five hours to catch the movie.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
my wonky body clock.
i'll be getting ready for school in, nineteen minutes. been up since 3am thanks to sleeping at 8pm last night. eileen says we're both nocturnal. but i can't say i'm going nocturnal, because technically it's morning already. i've realised that i'm most productive during the wee hours of the morning. as a result of this, my body clock is getting all messed up.yesterday was one of the very very rare days when i was able to come home straight after school. such days are near extinct, and on these days, i love revelling in the fact that i am going home while others are still slogging their ass off (i.e at third lang).
took an extremely fruitful trip to the library. fruitful because i borrowed a sappy, feel-good romance novel that can be devoured in two hours if you had the luxury of time. and was pleasantly surprised to see that my library fines only amounted up to $3.20. :D i am bad with dates, just ask sianying, and considering the fact that i'll be a member of the National Library Board for at least another few decades (unless something happens), by the time i die, the NLB would probably have collected enough money from me to buy a whole new collection of books.
was having lunch when i overheard a group of xx secondary students laughing at their classmate for not knowing what K Box was. laughing to to point where they were practically mocking that poor classmate. now, not that i condemn patronising such establishments, but i just find it a total waste of time and money unless you have alot of both to spare. to laugh at someone for not knowing what it was, just reflects what a shallow person you are. they continued on to talk about xx going to orchard every weekend, comparing this and that.
i'd be feeling very sad for myself if my life revolved around going to K Box, splurging my parents money on useless items, worrying over trivial matters that often concern no one but yourself (i still do that sometimes). but well, i guess it's a phase everyone goes through. even i must confess to being like that once, just that i snapped out of it fast, thankfully.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
my research studies experience.
"Tourism is an interesting subject which deals with many other sectors. This project has heightened my interest in this field as I now know more on the important role that tourism plays in promoting our country.""RS is a truly enriching experience. I believe that the skills I’ve acquired through RS will be highly beneficial even in the days after I graduate from RGS, especially when managing project work in JC and university.”
"Research Studies required us to work closely with each other, and sometimes we did have disagreements as to how to go about doing something. However, we managed to work through our differences and through this; we have become more bonded than we were at the start of the project."
it's 1.23am! and i am sitting in front of the computer staring at the RS script that has been changed countless times. not very smart of us, considering that we should be focusing more on our report but i guess part of the fun of doing RS is the bit about staying up late till the most unearthly hours to complete things that will be due in a matter of hours.
i realised that after four years in one of the premier institutions in singapore, i have acquired the amazing ability to crap at will. it is one skill that will benefit anyone greatly if ever equipped with it. tomorrow's RS presentation and i am hoping that things will go alright for us.
on the brighter side, next monday is a public holiday! i've been so immersed in all the school stuff that i did not realise till today.
me: "woohoo! there's no school on monday!"
miss ko: "the school will still be here on monday."
Saturday, April 22, 2006
physics lab practicals with wanjoo.
we are currently doing electricity for physics. a topic that i absolutely fail to relate with. all the bulbs, currents, ammeters, voltmeters, batteries, wires boggle my we happily triapsed over to physics lab 3 on level 2 yesterday to spend the next one hour getting acquainted with wires and bulbs. and believe me, we did.
in the process of constructing circuits, very obviously, bulbs were involved. seeing the need for more than one bulb in the circuit, each pair in the bench was assigned three bulbs. which wanjoo and i proceeded to label bulb A, B, and C.
Bulb A was used for the first circuit.
joo: hey! angie can't light up!
me: huh? did you just NAME our bulb?!
joo: yeah!
Bulb B was used to construct the second circuit. (it didn't work)
joo: his name is DERRICK.
me: uhhh. why derrick?!
Bulb C was maggie.
after realising that they all weren't working, we decided to borrow a bulb from lakshmi and priya.
joo: hey since the brand of the battery is german, "Sonnenschein" which means sunshine, we should think of a name that's german so the bulbs will work better. do you know any?
me: ehh. no, not really.
joo: i know! ADOLF!
me: ohh, okay! and the surname shall be, REGENSCHIRM (umbrella in german)
and it worked!
however, one bulb was not enough. we decided that all our bulbs should have exotic names so they would all light up.
derrick became uwe guten tag, "uwe" from my previous german teacher's name, and "guten tag" being "good day" in german. true enough, the newly named uwe shone fine and bright for us.
maggie was renamed, waikiki honolulu, but unfortunately persisted in its old ways, and did not light up.
me: hey! waikiki's not lighting up!
joo: maybe waikiki's not particularly bright!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
four full days of failing attempts to make the chemicar work was resolved in twenty minutes, after finally admitting defeat to those wretched wheels that could not stop wobbling. cardboard, bottle caps, straws, masking tape and satay sticks were all we needed. bahh. stupid me.remind me never to be so stubborn and keep trying to make something that doesn't seem to work, work, although some nagging part of my mind is telling me that it's never going to work. and obviously, it didn't.
dinner with sianying's family was an interesting experience. i think i can rattle at least five lame jokes off the tip of my tongue now if you asked me to.
what's a zebra?
a horse that's in jail!
okay. if you didn't laugh. you have a dire lack of a sense of humour.
but hey, what do you expect to get when you have to eat a meal with two primary school kids who just got hold of a joke book?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
random thoughts.
-when you walk down the street, couples that you see are usually about the same in the looks department. it's either good-looking with good-looking, average with average, and not-so-average with not-so-average.-SS teachers in our school are generally short and like to wear fitting clothes. other than the exception of one.
-tiger balm has failed to repel mosquitoes from sucking my sweet blood. ( i'm too attractive, i suppose.)
taking public transport to school every morning has its merits. despite the fact that you could probably end up standing for half the bus ride without a seat, and that you probably have to watch the same programme repeatedly, day after day on tvmobile, it's still a wonderful experience.
the people.
there are some people you see every morning, without fail. and sometimes after seeing each other so often, you actually start noticing them and recognising them. if you meet them somewhere else, there's always this look of recognition on their faces.
-the mom who lays a towel on her lap for her daughter to sleep on, and when they are one stop away from their destination, she'll wake her daughter up, fold the towel, put it in her bag and get ready to alight.
-the queensway girl who recently acquired a boyfriend at the start of this year! she used to take the bus alone.
-the scary man who likes to wear t-shirts that has "giorgio armani" in large print on it. he has a piercing stare which never fails to make you feel uncomfortable.
-red bag guy! he's been around a long time. from SJI to CJC. from no hair to hair. from red bag to green bag. from shorts to long pants.
-small SJI boy who's sec three but still looks more primary three to me.
-super tall lady with hair so long and straight sianying would be green with jealousy who alights at the thai embassy.
actually there are many many more to name. but the point is that, i saw one of them yesterday! and it was the A1 groupie! (he was sending his girlfriend home) okay dumb name but when you don't know them by their real names, you give them nicknames. and basically he was just a cool looking guy that took the bus every morning till he graduated i think, last year? and so one day, he was blasting his music really loud and so my sister and i, curious to know what type of music he listened to strained to listen. and it was none other than..."like a rose" by A1! haha. what a total spoiler.
yup. so A1 groupie! HELLO. (:
Saturday, April 08, 2006
filming of mathan bab
ORA today! we finished selling the roses really early so it was just the cards left.for those who put in a hell lot of effort and time into ORA and those who actually helped sell stuff, thank you guys. (:
went to joo's house and we just sat there and talked, and talked and talked.
found out some stuff today.
ah well there are people and there are people. there are some people i never want to be like. so if i ever do become like that, please, someone, fire at will!
filming! haha. it was terribly fun to try out so many different roles.
we were all exhausted today.
lakshmi (terribly worn out, on the verge of conking out): "wanjoo booked me for eating ferry rocher in class, no, ferrer roher, nonononono, -----"
wanjoo: "what? i thought she said fairy lotion."
then we talked about height.
pat: "i'm 161!"
me: "i'm 161 too!"
pat: "fine."
wanjoo (loser): "shut. up. -.-"
laksh: "i'm 155."
priya: "i'm 159."
everyone turns and stares at sarah p.
wanjoo: "haha. sarah is..."
sarah p: "i'm smiling to myself."
i shall assassinate sarah one day.
super tired. shall go sleep soon.
a quote i stole while stoning at joo's house:
"stars exist to let us know how high our dreams can soar."
Friday, April 07, 2006
the sudden urge to blog.
well here i am, blogging after goodness knows how long since diary-x died on me. had this account for awhile already but obviously, only sianying has gotten around to actually posting something (the wonderful first post).today was the last match for the 'B' div this season. we were upset, and why not, after all, no one said that losing was a cause for celebration. i guess the most important thing is that we learn to pick ourselves back up.
one thing that i have learnt after playing bball for so long is how to recover from setbacks and take failures in stride, and best, with a smile. so everyone smile and keep that spirit burning strong. (:
i must really be thankful for my wonderful bball batch. it may sound cheesy but really, words cannot describe how glad i am to have you guys around, not always there for me, but often enough. (: to quote celeste, "basketball would not be the same without you guys." I LOVE YOU GUYS.
my first official public declaration of love. so romantic eh.
i have come to realise that a smile is very disarming sometimes. not only in the "your-smile-is-oh-so-attractive-i-think-i-have-fallen-for-you" sense, but let me state a scenario:
random person X comes up to you and slaps you hard across the face. "B*TCH!" he/she yells, loud enough for everyone within 20 metres radius to hear.
you have no idea what you have done wrong (or maybe you do) but no, you're not letting her get away with it. do you slap her back? you contemplate. nahhh. what a total waste of energy. so you just stand there and you smile. SMILE at her then walk away.
trust me, he/she would be so freaked out he/she would not know how to react.
and no, i don't think he/she will ever bother you again.