Thursday, July 24, 2008
matchbox twenty is awfully good for my soul.
i feel like something's gonna give, and i'm a little bit angry, well,
this ain't over, no not here, not while i still need you around
you don't owe me, we might change,
yeah we just might feel good.
mmmm. push.
accounting tomorrow. come on, fx, kickass!
i'm sooo exhausted.
just a few weeks more, focus, fangxun, focus!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
DT told us a story today.
about a basketball coach whose team was about to meet with an extremely strong team in the competition. his team was intimidated by the challenges involved in the upcoming match.
what the coach did was to bring his team to the courts, and he just told them to shoot hoops. he said to them, "your opponents may change, they may be stronger, they may be bigger, but the hoop is always the same height, the court is always the same size. no matter what, as long as you play as you would for any match, you'll be fine."
i was pretty inspired.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
so, someone tell me.
music: mad season by matchbox twentyoooohhhhh, the horrors of statistics. stealing my social life from under my nose.
my life distilled into a venn diagram:

the two are no longer mutually exclusive.
P(School Life ∪ Social Life) ≠ P(School Life) + P(Social Life)
they have now merged, look at that HUGE area of intersection! "O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee!" (no prizes for guessing where the line came from, i'm surprised i can still remember it) that line is just so apt. the bollywood version we came up with in sec 4 could work as well, "Horror, horror! Tongue cannot say!" another few weeks' time, you'll be kowtowing to me, the master of microsoft excel, my newfound best friend. lalala kungfu fightinggggg, dadadadadadadumdumda! heeeyahhhhh!
it has been established that as long as we're in school doing work at night, the moment it's past 9pm, i suddenly start getting very tickled by wy's lame jokes which are never really funny.
the horrors, indeed.
Monday, July 07, 2008
and what's the moon? ....a big balloon!
music: turn by travisgot a call from chuxian last night. we talked for sooo long, i think close to an hour? the knowledge that we can still go on talking for so long even after not seeing one another in ages is comforting. he reminded me about how he accidentally tore my sleeve in primary school. hahaha. something which i'd totally forgotten about till he mentioned it. it's crazy, realising that all that happened...7 years ago? i have joined the ranks of those that can actually say, "oh, him/her? we go wayyy back!" with a reminiscing look on their faces.
rather glad i'm more free now, but too much free time seems a little aimless. i need a good book. and i gotta get my driving lessons back on track.