Thursday, January 31, 2008
we can ride on the stars.
music: rule the world by take that
and yet, i'm so much more privileged.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i'm lovin' it!
researching for the marketing project is pretty's some of the mcdonald's ads of note.
trust me, they're worth watching.
the first ever mcdonald's commercial.
ronald mcdonald in "a new do".
absolutely funny.
Monday, January 28, 2008
i like.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
sis: i thought you'd be okay with it! don't look so sad! you're scaring me!
me: but...but...what about the mr bean cartoon! dexter's laboratory! ART ATTACK!?!
sis: it costs more, it's 3 dollars per month and you don't watch it much anyway.
me: but...still!
ohhhhh, they can take it out of my allowance! ):
i need to go mourn my loss.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
ANNOUNCEMENT: Miss LEE SIAN YING, please remember to bring your IC when purchasing your first bottle of alcohol today.

after six years, i still like to annoy you to no end!
(obviously, the last shot was put up simply because i know how much you hate it.)
hApPi BuRfDae!
I luBbBb EuXxX, bEstIeEE~!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
and tell me, did venus blow your mind?
drops of jupiter by train.
now that shes back in the atmosphere.
with drops of jupiter in her hair, hey, hey.
she acts like summer and walks like rain,
reminds me that theres time to change, hey, hey.
since the return from her stay on the moon,
she listens like spring and she talks like june, hey, hey.
tell me, did you sail across the sun,
did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded
and that heaven is overrated?
tell me, did you fall for a shooting star,
one without a permanent scar,
and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
now that shes back from that soul vacation,
tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey.
she checks out mozart while she does tae-bo,
reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey.
now that shes back in the atmosphere,
i'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' jane,
told a story about a man who was too afraid to fly so he never did land.
tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet,
did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
and head back to the milky way.
and tell me, did venus blow your mind,
was it everything you wanted to find,
and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken,
your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong.
can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance, five-hour phone conversation,
the best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me.
with drops of jupiter in her hair, hey, hey.
she acts like summer and walks like rain,
reminds me that theres time to change, hey, hey.
since the return from her stay on the moon,
she listens like spring and she talks like june, hey, hey.
tell me, did you sail across the sun,
did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded
and that heaven is overrated?
tell me, did you fall for a shooting star,
one without a permanent scar,
and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
now that shes back from that soul vacation,
tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey.
she checks out mozart while she does tae-bo,
reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey.
now that shes back in the atmosphere,
i'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' jane,
told a story about a man who was too afraid to fly so he never did land.
tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet,
did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
and head back to the milky way.
and tell me, did venus blow your mind,
was it everything you wanted to find,
and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken,
your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong.
can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance, five-hour phone conversation,
the best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
you're out of your head!
music: better off dead by the fadersi like the faders. listening to them when i run will make me suddenly have the urge to kick someone and shout out loud, OII, YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD! yeah, it's that kind of music.
yinling was sick on thursday when we were supposed to go out so i brought lunch up to her place and we just bummed around in front of the tv on her super comfy couch watching david tutera and drooling over cheesecake. after a trip to the doctor's, we trooped down towards holland village, stopping halfway for a dose of beef lasagne. our search for cheap cheesecake began the moment we stepped into holland village but we ended up having waffles with two scoops of delectable ice cream instead, ahhh, heavenly. it only fuels my desire to open an ice cream parlour even more!
volunteering yesterday was tiring. we met our beneficiaries for the first time, and i cannot deny the feeling of apprehension i felt when upon meeting us, they turned to each other and conversed in malay, a foreign tongue to most of us facilitators, came to an agreement amongst themselves then got on with the introductions. this, amongst other things just tells me that i have a long way to go to finally being able to connect with them on a level that would have us completely comfortable with one another. nevertheless, it was fulfilling knowing that by the end of the session, my buddy had somewhat warmed up a little to me. after that, went over to sianying's place for a shower and a nap before heading home. it's good to be able to pop by her place whenever.
the first quiz of the semester tomorrow! come on, 4.00000000000!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
something i'm proud of.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
i just discovered that if i do realise my plan of living amongst piles of notebooks in my old age, my house would be a potential fire hazard.Monday, January 14, 2008
so what, so i've got a smile on.
music: why georgia by john mayerI HAVE BEEN FEELING A LITTLE CRAPPY SINCE SATURDAY. AND I PROCLAIM, RIGHT NOW, THAT I'M OVERRRR IT! *does a little dance with my doraemon*
honestly, i sometimes wish i could just throw a tantrum which is so unlike me but maybe if that did happen, mr. bad feelings and mr. unhappiness would disappear as speedily as it takes jeannie to shower (which is, indeed, rather fast). wouldn't it be wonderful. or maybe i could be some notorious punk who goes around doing things that may not necessarily be considerate nor legal, but has so much fun doing it all the cares in the world would disappear too! haw haw haw. that way i could be prancing around everyday, looking as carefree as the girls in all the sanitary pad commercials minus the tight and spotless white pants.
well since i did neither, today after school, a change of plans brought me to jurong east, IMM. i took a trip to the supermarket and had a wonderful time looking at the neat aisles that were stacked with daily provisions. for some strange reason, i like supermarkets. they make me happy. maybe it is the abundance of food within those vast walls that give me an endorphin rush and make me feel a million times better than before i stepped into it.
i then proceeded to daiso (EVERYDAY 2 DOLLARS!) and bought a pretty card with cut-outs of raindrops on it. yes, i know i won't use it but i bought it anyway. it's my form of retail therapy. i like buying paper and notebooks and cards. whilst others spend hours in malls buying clothes and other accessories, i absolutely cannot resist the temptation to buy pretty paper, especially notebooks.
if i never get married, i would probably spend my old age amongst piles of notebooks. other old ladies would keep pet animals, and i would keep pet notebooks. oh, i can totally visualise myself sitting on a rocking chair with a blanket covering my thin, bony, old lady's legs, writing feebly in yet another new notebook that i've hoarded, occasionally stopping to ah-choo into my old white linen hankerchief, then stuffing it back into my sweater pocket, i continue on.
hmm, that still seems a little too lonely. maybe i'll have to rethink that, but for now, that's the back-up plan to of course, the ideal plan of getting married and living happily ever after, which is a rather scary thought as well.
ohhh, whatever.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
cause there's no comfort in the waiting room.
music: what sarah said by death cab for cutiebut i'm thinking of what sarah said, that "love is watching someone die",
so who's going to watch you die?
so who's going to watch you die?
i've always thought this song was awfully meaningful. if you think about it, it does make alot of sense. i'm not emo-ing, i'm okay. it's just late at night and i'm still up doing stuff and grumpy that i can't sleep.
anyways, STEAMBOAT today! nothing could stop us from pursuing our dream steamboat dinner, not even the fact that the stores at marina bay had closed down. we walked to golden mile and had our fill! yum, yum!
i shall plead guilty to being extremely ditzy today, but i have no idea why either. my ditziness stint involved making very ridiculous and laughable remarks, jumping up and down to look through the glass panel of random restaurants and banging into a stationary bike.
me: "ouch! i banged into a bike."
MJ: "the bike was stationary."
and OH, CHOCOLATE THERAPY. yes, the name is self explanatory. a big scoop of ben and jerry's rich dark chocolate ice cream with chocolate bits and chocolate pudding swirling within each luxurious spoonful that enters your mouth. ah, how you savour it. ohhhhhhhhh. one day i'm gonna open an ice cream parlour!
my ditzy quote of the day (said whilst waving my ice cream spoon around):
"relationships are like ice cream, they are good till you're done with them."
it actually makes a little sense, hahaha.

good food, talking about everything under the sun, the alphabet food game, simply having fun. i like!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
colours blend and intertwine.
music: city of angels by corrinne maydogs walk free with diamond collars,
free men hang from ropes and dollars.
train tracks stitch, the jagged scars,
stretched faces on ageing stars.
empty beds in furniture stores,
angels sleep on skid row floors.
broken wings for a dollar a pound,
can you spare some change?
ohhh, it feels so good to be back.
seeing the shimmering lights of singapore from the plane window just filled me with this rush of eagerness to jump off the plane and come home. i know i'm not exactly the most patriotic singaporean but damn, it just feels so darn good to be back. back home, back to the comforting haven, back to where the people so important to you are. i'm back.
it's a new year, now. hello, 2008!
as usual, my resolutions have been made and i hope i do fulfill them. (:
looking back on 2007, it's really been quite a year for me.
taking the step to leave raffles and go to UB, learning things i never knew in so many aspects, growing distant from some people, and growing closer to some.
i've grown up a little more than i was at the start of 07, and hopefully a little wiser.
for 2008, i wish for everyone to have all the happiness that they deserve. (: